Mona Lisa | Leonardo da Vinci golden ratio proportion

golden ratio proportion in mona lisa painting by leonardo da vinci
golden ratio proportion in mona lisa painting by leonardo da vinci

Painted in 1503, it is perhaps the most famous and mysterious work of art in the world, and for many certainly the most valuable piece of cultural heritage. Artists say that no other painting is so deeply rooted in the human spirit. One of the peculiarities of this painting is that it follows the system of the golden section.

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and golden ratio proportion

The Mona Lisa, painted by the world famous artist Da Vinci, was created using the Golden Section, which is included in many modern design systems. It is a mathematical equation common in nature that can be used to create organic and natural looking compositions that are pleasing to the eye. Using the golden ratio harmonizes your layout based on a timeless mathematical grid that combines the smallest part with the largest to create a perfectly balanced “composition”.

It’s not just the painting that uses the golden ratio. Some of the most beautiful works of art and architecture in the world, from the pyramids to Salvador Dali’s masterpieces, from Notre Dame to the Taj Mahal, all have the Golden Ratio in them.

The Golden Ratio is a system that balances designs in a visual system of perfect proportions, using principles from nature, art and architecture to help people create balanced, harmonious designs, just like the perfectly proportioned portrait of the Mona Lisa.