Golden Ratio colors is a system of colours based on the Golden Ratio scale. All colors are carefully selected by graphic design expert Arthur Wentzel.
Colors on a screen are composed of RGB (Red, green, Blue) values ranging from 0 (minimum) to 255 (maximum). This is multiplied by the Golden Ratio scale of 0.618. This results in a beautiful colour palette. In total there are 1000 colors.
Golden Ratio colors is an idea of graphic- and web-designer Arthur Wentzel. He developed the idea into an easily applicable harmonious and hermetic color system. Read more about his motivation in the ‘Who is’ section below.
More about Golden Ratio colors
We believe that color is an essential part of any design or branding project. That’s why I’ve created a tool to quickly create beautiful color palettes.
Introduction of Golden Ratio colors. A hermetic color system based on the harmonious Golden Ratio scale to create better color combinations for design.
What is the Golden Ratio? It’s a mathematical ratio. It is found in nature, art, architecture and design. It fosters organic natural-looking compositions. is a project by colour expert, graphic and web-designer Arthur Wentzel. Unsatisfied by a practical system he developed it.
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