Golden Ratio Colors

Hermetic color system based on the harmonious Golden Ratio scale. Beautiful and harmonious colours that are great for any design project or webdesign. For more consistent usage of colour.

illustration golden ratio colour kube

Golden ratio colour system

Hermetic color system based on the harmonious Golden Ratio scale. Beautiful and harmonious colours that are great for any design project or webdesign. For more consistent usage of colour.

By Arthur Wentzel

illustration golden ratio colour kube

What are Golden Ratio Colours?
Calculation Golden Ratio colours
64 Core Golden Ratio colours
Overview 1000 grc-colours
About Golden Ratio Colors

Golden Ratio Colour sets

About Golden Ratio and colours

What is the Golden Ratio proportion?

what is golden ratio design art science 618
What is golden ratio?

The golden ratio, also known as the golden number, golden proportion, or the divine proportion, is a ratio between two numbers that equals approximately 1.618.
The Golden Ratio is applied in art, science and design for at least a few thousand years.

More about the Golden Ratio

What are Golden Ratio Colors?

golden ratio colors spiral rgb values 255 158 97 60 37
Golden ratio colors with rgb values

Golden Ratio Colors are colors in the complete color spectrum that are defined by the Golden Ratio.
Every color on a screen is composed of values ranging from 0 to 255 of RGB (Red, Green, Blue). Every value is multiplied by 0,618. In total there are 1000 golden ratio colors. 64 of them are core colors that only use 0, 97, 158 and 255.

Examples of
Golden Ratio colors

golden ratio colors examples red green blue values 158 97
Golden ratio color examples RGB values

White has RGB values 255, 255, 255
Black has RGB values 0, 0, 0
255 x Golden Ratio = 158
158 x Golden Ratio = 97
Example 1: green is 0, 158, 97
Example 2: red is 255, 0, 0
Example 2: orange is 255, 158, 0
Example 3: grey is 97, 97, 97

View all starter colour palette

Math with RGB values and hex numbers

The hardest part, some math. The maximum value of 255 is multiplied by the Golden Ratio. For example:

255 x 0.618 = 157.59. Rounded off: 158. The closest hex-value is 9E.
157.59 x 0.618 = 97.40. Rounded off: 97. The closest hex-value is 61.
97.40 x 0.618 = 60.19. Rounded off: 60. The closest hex-value is 3c.

Below you can see visually the result of this sequence:
255, 158, 97, 60, 37, 14.

More explanation?

Do you need more explanation about the making of the Golden Ratio Colors? You can also contact us for a lecture. 🙂

Convert colors

To make it easy you can use our RGB to Golden Ratio Color converter for free.


64 Core colors

In total there are 1000 colors. There are 64 core colors based on the harmonious Golden Ratio scale. The RGB values are 0, 97, 158 and 255. All colors have a code starting with GRC: Golden Ratio Color.

grc000 Black 0,0,0 #000000 view
grc004 Dark blue 0,0,97 #000061 view
grc005 dark blue 0,0,158 #00009e view
grc009 blue 0,0,255 #0000ff view
grc040 Dark green 0,97,0 #006100 view
grc044 Grey green 0,97,97 #006161 view
grc045 blue 0,97,158 #00619e view
grc049 blue 0,97,255 #0061ff view
grc050 green 0,158,0 #009e00 view
grc054 green 0,158,97 #009e61 view
grc055 green blue 0,158,158 #009e9e view
grc059 blue 0,158,255 #009eff view

1000 colors in total

There are exactly 1000 Golden Ratio Colors available.
All colors have a code starting with GRT. Below you can see the first 100 colors from grc000 (black) to grc099 (blue).

The are 900 more colors from grc100 to grc999. Login to see all colors.

grc000 Black 0,0,0 #000000 view
grc001 Dark grey blue 0,0,14 #00000e view
grc002 Dark blue 0,0,37 #000025 view
grc003 Dark blue 0,0,60 #00003c view
grc004 Dark blue 0,0,97 #000061 view
grc005 dark blue 0,0,158 #00009e view
grc006 blue 0,0,195 #0000c3 view
grc007 blue 0,0,218 #0000da view
grc008 blue 0,0,241 #0000f1 view
grc009 blue 0,0,255 #0000ff view
grc010 Dark green 0,14,0 #000e00 view
grc011 Dark green 0,14,14 #000e0e view
grc012 Dark green 0,14,37 #000e25 view
grc013 Dark blue 0,14,60 #000e3c view
grc014 Dark blue 0,14,97 #000e61 view
grc015 dark blue 0,14,158 #000e9e view
grc016 blue 0,14,195 #000ec3 view
grc017 blue 0,14,218 #000eda view
grc018 blue 0,14,241 #000ef1 view
grc019 blue 0,14,255 #000eff view
grc020 Dark green 0,37,0 #002500 view
grc021 Dark green 0,37,14 #00250e view
grc022 Dark green 0,37,37 #002525 view
grc023 Dark green 0,37,60 #00253c view
grc024 Dark blue 0,37,97 #002561 view
grc025 blue 0,37,158 #00259e view
grc026 blue 0,37,195 #0025c3 view
grc027 blue 0,37,218 #0025da view
grc028 blue 0,37,241 #0025f1 view
grc029 blue 0,37,255 #0025ff view
grc030 Dark green 0,60,0 #003c00 view
grc031 Dark green 0,60,14 #003c0e view
grc032 Dark green 0,60,37 #003c25 view
grc033 Dark green 0,60,60 #003c3c view
grc034 Dark blue 0,60,97 #003c61 view
grc035 blue 0,60,158 #003c9e view
grc036 blue 0,60,195 #003cc3 view
grc037 blue 0,60,218 #003cda view
grc038 blue 0,60,241 #003cf1 view
grc039 blue 0,60,255 #003cff view
grc040 Dark green 0,97,0 #006100 view
grc041 Dark green 0,97,14 #00610e view
grc042 Dark green 0,97,37 #006125 view
grc043 Dark green 0,97,60 #00613c view
grc044 Grey green 0,97,97 #006161 view
grc045 blue 0,97,158 #00619e view
grc046 blue 0,97,195 #0061c3 view
grc047 blue 0,97,218 #0061da view
grc048 blue 0,97,241 #0061f1 view
grc049 blue 0,97,255 #0061ff view

About Golden Ratio Colors

Golden Ratio is a project by graphic and web-designer Arthur Wentzel